Archive for December 21st, 2008

Jeff the Cat

December 21, 2008

I have caused offence in certain quarters by promoting our new workshop member, Eddy the Bouvier, and ommiting to mention the pre-existent, feline occupant Jeff (or is that “Geoff”?). For the past 3 years he has been an important part of our workshop Pest-Control-Strategy. In fact, probably the whole of it.  Important because mice eat the plastic sheathing on the 3-phase electrics of the workshop with disastrous and expensive consequences, as we have found to our cost (as did the mice, presumably).

He is pictured here relaxing on a weekend off at home in his alernative, town-centre residence.


Eddy, now 3 months,  persists in trying to get him to play but continues to be met with disdain.  Here is the new boy today in a high wind on Blackford Hill.
